Saturday, November 1, 2008

CC's Sexiest Man and Woman 2009 - How to (preliminary)

The KEYS Weekend Magazine with Joe Hilliard's CC's Sexiest People contest will occur during January 2009.

There will be two categories: celebrities and 'normal people'.

To nominate your candidate in either category send an email to with your name, your candidate's name, a message about why they deserve to win (25 words or less), and a tasteful photo of them in jpg format, their email address. They will have to accept the nomination so we must be able to contact them via email.

All candidates must have lived in Corpus Christi (not Robstown, Port A, etc.) for 2 years or more.

The photos must be tasteful. Sexy, for the purposes of this contest, does not mean pornographic. The picture will be put on the website.

Good luck